Saturday, January 25, 2014

Title Optimization

Title Optimization

I think you have understood the meaning of HTML TITLE tag which is added inside head tag. The page is what is displayed in the title bar of your browser, and is also what is displayed when you bookmark a page or put it to your browser Favorites.
And it is the one place on a web page where your keywords MUST be present there. Right use of keywords in the title of every single page of your website is really important to Google - mostly for the home page. If you do nothing else to optimize your site, remember to do this first.
The thing is to remember is the title shouldn't consist of much more than about 9 words or 60 characters, with your keywords used at the very beginning of the title. Since Google is looking for relevant keywords in the title, and you should NOT include your company name in the title unless your company name is very well known to all.
Nonexistent use of titles in web pages will keep more websites out of top rankings on Google

Practices for Creating Titles:

Here are some best ways you should follow for creating titles on pages:
1.       Every page should have a unique title.
2.       Try to include your Primary Keyword Phrase in every title of every single page.
3.       Begin the title of your home page with your Primary Keyword Phrase, followed by your best Secondary Keyword Phrases.
4.       Include your company name; put it at the end of the title.
5.       Use the greatest form, plural or singular, for your keywords based on what WordTracker says is searched on more often.
6.       Don't overdo it - don't repeat your keywords more than 2 - 3 times in the title
7.       Ensure the <title> tag is the first element in the <head> section of your page - this makes it easier to find by Google.